Thuan Phat investor launched an attractive policy at the Pre_Launching event


In recent days, the price of petrol and gas has increased continuously, causing a significant impact on the lives of people as well as businesses at home and abroad. As of March 14, 2022, gasoline prices have been adjusted 7 times and reached the milestone of 30,000 VND/liter. The sharp increase in oil, gasoline and gas prices is a factor that has a strong impact on businesses and the economy of Vietnam in particular and the world in general.

The political conflict between Russia and Ukraine is escalating. Although a negotiation between the two countries has been held, up to now, the war situation between the two sides is still very tense. Political tension in Eastern Europe pushed the world oil price up to 105 USD/barrel – the highest level since 2014. Especially on 5/03/2022 RT News (Russia) (local time). Western Europe) issued a notice: "The Yamal-Europe pipeline has halted all gas supplies to the West, which means that the flow from Russia to Germany has been suspended indefinitely", the main "ow" closing the valve of the century" has made it difficult for European countries in particular and the whole world in general to find alternative sources of supply because Moscow is meeting nearly 40% of Europe's gas demand through This pipeline and the shutdown could cause gas prices in Europe to skyrocket. When the price of oil and gas increases, it is also a time when the world has to solve the problem of other costs that will increase such as transportation costs, prices of raw materials and goods.

After Covid 19, the demand for oil increased sharply from the economies as countries carried out the campaign to reopen and recover their economies. Many countries continue to loosen control and restore economic activities, especially production, transportation, tourism and aviation activities. However, the sudden increase in oil and gas prices can make the economic recovery difficult and stagnant. Because, the increase in the world price of gasoline and gas will increase the price of imported and domestic raw materials. In the production of goods and services, depending on the production process of each industry, it can be seen that most industries, more or less, use petroleum and gas.

Some of the most affected industries can be mentioned as maritime transport, fishing. Therefore, in addition to the direct impact of increasing product costs, the increase in gasoline and gas prices also increases the price of goods in circulation, putting pressure on inflation, reducing the competitiveness of services and goods. domestic production, negative impact on a large scale.

In addition, other industries such as production and farming are also affected by the increase in oil and gas prices because these industries use gasoline, oil or gas to operate machinery.

The global economy is starting to accelerate again after a long time fighting the Covid-19 epidemic, but the war situation and oil and gas prices are making the race more bumpy and difficult.
It is the limitation of only 26 villas and the hilltop location, the expensive view embracing Ha Long Bay that has created a special attraction for luxury resort real estate such as Phoenix Legend. Not only bringing ownership value, investment value passed down through generations, it is an invaluable asset for future generations thanks to long-term legal guarantee. Phoenix Legend is also considered a product that brings infinite value, is a safe investment that promises attractive returns in the future thanks to its ability to transfer and exploit.

Many investors said that the attractiveness of natural landscapes from long coastlines, majestic mountains and outstanding strengths has led to the sublime development of the real estate market in cities. tourism in Vietnam, especially in high-end resort projects with synchronous utilities, methodical planning and legal assurance.

As in Quy Nhon, some resort projects increased from 11 million VND in 2016 to nearly 30 million VND at present. The area of ​​Ba Ria - Vung Tau also recorded a relatively high price increase in recent years, from 15-30 million/m2 in 2018, by the beginning of 2022 it has increased by nearly 40-50 million/m2. In Ha Long (Quang Ninh), the price of land around the bay increased by 5 times in the period from 2015 to 2019. The most impressive is the villa segment, urban land has increased by 70-80% compared to the end of 2020, early 2021. For rare hilly areas such as Bai Chay ward, Hung Thang ward, it is expected that there will be many price increases in the future when the land fund for project development on the hill has been limited after the announcement of the project planning under the project. hilly area of ​​Quang Ninh at the end of 2021 (No. 567-TB/BCĐD).